Tuesday, January 31, 2012

over the hump

over half way to first goal now.
and that first one is very important to me. i am focused on it .
and after that, comes the ultimate goal.  5 more pounds and will be over the hump toward that.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

15 pnds gone!

worked off 2 more pounds. 
ran my first 1.5 miles : )

photo source Mitankala

Saturday, January 21, 2012

post 3

officially allowing this blog as public viewing today.

my new routine is, or is getting to be, an avarage of 4 days
per week on treadmill.  average 3.5 miles each.

and, starting running more.   ran my first mile !

now adding in tummy floor exercise after TM.

down 3 more pounds since last post.

: )

i have found that tv helps alot for the hour on the TM.

sometimes will add in a song from youtube to get me motivated.

found a good one yesterday watching a movie- and IT is the music you hear playing when you clik the youtube link in sidebar above.....by the way does anyone know how to add music to blogger so it starts up by itself.

Nutrition a.k.a. food changes:

I have done very good in this area.  Watching what I eat and adding in healthy choices.  Moderation.  I have begun to WANT good foods versus bad ones too.  My taste buds are changing and desire less non nutrional food.  I have founds ways to prepare meals , freeze them, and eat on them for over a week.  Nutrionally yummy meals.  I do not elimanate all so called bad foods.  I still give myself days for those.  I have learned if you cut out one type of food altogether that is no good overall. A little here and a bit there.  The body needs to know it can have all foods in moderation.  I have learned this.  I have certainly cut down the bad foods by hm, 80 percent tho.  There is no longer temptations in our pantry for the most part!  Still drink my half coffee half cappo combos !!!   : )


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

post 2

ah!  weighed in at 2 weeks, lost 5 pnds.  weighed in a week later lost 3 more.  last check lost 2 more.  so 10 pnds GONE!!!

how?   treadmill .    motivation.   switching up my routine on treadmilll.  checking what goes into my mouth.  is it nutritional?    some days do 2.5 miles, some do 3.5 miles, some do 5 miles.  incline fast walk treadmill, run treadmill, interchange.  take a day or two off to reset.

started sit ups.   ran the stairs.

in one month i will look to lose another 10!

on the way to my goal of my fitness plan.